Tax Assessment

In January, 2016 the chief assessor for Washington County will review and approve the reassessment values for every property in the County. You should receive your reassessment value in February. Informal “value reviews” are to take place in March/April 2016. At present, formal appeals may be filed until September 1, 2016.

What to Expect from your Pittsburgh Property Tax Assessment?

The County’s stated goal is to be tax and revenue “neutral”, however, this does not mean your property taxes will not increase. The overall tax (millage) rates may be adjusted but your assessment will likely change dramatically. Historically, mass reassessments frequently result in inaccurate valuations and therefore you may not agree with your reassessment value.


What Should You Do With Your Washington County Tax Assessment?

If you do nothing, you will pay taxes based on your reassessment value (right or wrong) in 2017. You should carefully review your property tax reassessment value to protect against paying more than your fair share of property taxes. There are assessment appeal procedures in place which are designed to correct errors and protect property from unfair treatment.

Need Help from a Property Tax Appeal Attorney?

For over 44 years, MBM Law has represented property owners in the appeals process and we can assist you in reviewing your reassessment value and the appeal processes. Please contact Donald A. Walsh Jr. at or Jennifer L. Cerce at or call our office at 412-242-4400 for a Free review. We can advise you on the merit of an appeal and of legal representation should you choose an appeal.


Alfred C. Maiello
Alfred Maiello

Alfred C. Maiello is the founding member of MBM and has represented area school districts as solicitor for 50 years. He counsels school districts and educational institutions on leading developments in school law and guiding them through their day-to-day and long-term challenges.