Deadline Action Required
9/15/09 School Districts/Municipalities appoint delegates to the TCC.  All School Districts/Municipalities will be notified of the first TCD meeting.
11/15/09 First meeting of all TCDs.  At this meeting, TCD officers will be elected.
12/31/09 DCED study on current EIT collection methods must be provided to TCDs.
4/15/10 Each TCC must have by-laws in place.
6/1/10 Each TCC must establish an appeals board of at least three delegates by this date.
7/1/10 DCED must calculate the weighted vote of each delegate based upon the proportional amount of EIT revenue and population for each School District/ Municipality, and must recalculate it each July 1 thereafter.
9/15/10 Each TCC must appoint the tax officer for its TCD and notify DCED.  The tax officer will become the EIT collector of record for the TCD for the fiscal year beginning 1/1/12.
11/1/10 School Districts/Municipalities must decide if their current tax collector will collect the EIT or whether the new TCD tax officer will collect it in 2011.  This option applies only to 2011 EIT.
1/1/12 EIT collection by TCD tax officer begins for all School Districts/Municipalities.
Alfred C. Maiello
Alfred Maiello

Alfred C. Maiello is the founding member of MBM and has represented area school districts as solicitor for 50 years. He counsels school districts and educational institutions on leading developments in school law and guiding them through their day-to-day and long-term challenges.