Transgender Law Update
October 2016

Update to US Supreme Court’s Transgender Bathroom Decision of  August 3, 2016
September 2016

Copyright and Right to Know Law
August 2016

U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Order in Transgender Bathroom Decision
August 2016

Truancy Still a Problem?
August 2016

ACLU files suit against Lancaster School District on behalf of refugees
July 2016

Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Law Goes Into Effect May 17, 2016
July 2016

Lawsuit Filed to End the Practice of School Districts Paying the Salary of a Teacher Released from Teaching Duties While Serving as President of Teacher’s Union
March 2016

Keystone Exams suspended as a graduation requirement
February 2016

U.S. Dep’t of Ed. gives Illinois school district 30 days to comply with order to allow transgender student to use girls’ restroom and locker facilities or face enforcement action
November 2015

Third Circuit Court of Appeals decided on September 22, 2015 in the G.L. case that remedies are expanded in due process for a District’s failure to provide FAPE in special education cases
October 2015

PSBA calls for investigation into charter schools’ receipt of gaming funds during the state budget stalemate
October 2015

Regulatory News – IRCC Seeks Clarification on Proposed Changes for SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS
September 2015

Budget impasse cash flow measures: PSBA guidance on legality of delaying employer contributions to PSERS and non-local portion of charter school tuition
September 2015

State May Eliminate PlanCon Reimbursement for School Construction
September 2015

Supreme Court Rules that Schools Must Bus Students from Divorced Parents’ Two Residences
September 2015

Act 26 of 2015 Creates the Criminal Offense of “Cyberharassment”!
August 2015

FAQ – Act 15 Clearances for Volunteers
July 2015

Federal Judge Dismisses Title IX Claims in Transgender Student’s Suit Over a Virginia School District’s Restroom Policy; Indicates he is Unlikely to Grant Student a Preliminary Injunction Barring Enforcement of District Policy
July  2015

Act 15 Clarification on Background Check Requirements for Employees and Volunteers
July 2015

School Officials May Subject Students To Breathalyzer Tests Before Allowing Them To Enter the Prom
April 2015

Bullying and Students with Disabilities – Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
March 2015

UPDATE –  Stay issued by the Commonwealth Court while PSEA makes Appeal to the Supreme Court on Right to Know Request for Home Addresses of School Employees
February 2015

Right to Know Request for Home Addresses of School Employees
February 2015

Act 153 Clearances for Volunteers & School Employees
January 2015

Background Checks for Current School Employees Who Never Obtained Background Clearances
December 2014

Christina L. Lane
Christina L. Lane

Christina Lane is an accomplished school, municipal, labor and employment attorney representing public sector employers. She has extensive knowledge and experience with Title IX and often serves as a third-party investigator.